19C History

Peer Publications

While Harper’s Weekly was the preeminent news-magazine for much of its run, the competition it faced continually shaped the periodical. Below I compile a list of periodicals that overlap with Harper’s Weekly in meaningful ways. They’re publications any other scholar of periodicals should be aware of, so I have included details about where to find their issues when convenient:


  • Frank Leslie’s

Literary Magazines:

  • Southern Literary Messenger. Available through the University of Michigan’s Mellon-funded Making of American Journals.
  • Galaxy 
  • Century / Scribner’s
  • Atlantic Monthly 
  • North American Review
  • Overland Monthly. Available through the University of Michigan’s Mellon-funded Making of American Journals.

Other Magazines:

  • Godey’s Lady’s Book
  • Collier’s
  • McCalls

Noteworthy Newspapers:

  • *Chronicling America is the best place to find 19C newspapers from across the country. I would encourage anyone to look at local papers as well as these greatest hits:
  • The New York Times

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